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Home Forum Omnis General Forum Simple problem but i can’t solve it.

  • Simple problem but i can’t solve it.

    Posted by Ghiara Mimmo on January 9, 2020 at 8:13 am

    Hello to all
    i have a simple problem but i can’t solve it.
    I have to save a text file on the desk
    MacOsx 10.11
    Omnis 8.03
    HI wrote this
    return is string (ES = “1223 dfee”)
    xtextbin is binarry
    condocodfisc is string
    lzeri = “0000”
    lnumdoc is string (Ex “5”)
    lDir_1 = “MACINTOSH HD / Users / administrator / Desktop /”
    Calculate xtextbin as the return
    Calculate lNomedoc as with (‘IT’, condocodfisc, ‘_’, lzeri, lnumdoc, ‘. Xml’)
    Calculate lDir_1 as with (lDir_1, lNomedoc)
    Do FileOps. $ Writeentirefile (lDir_1, xtextbin) Returns lrit
    lrit returns 0 but the file is not written
    Do you have any suggestions?
    Thank you

    Paul Mulroney replied 4 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Scott

    January 13, 2020 at 6:44 pm

    I believe you have to do something like this to write the file (create, open, write, close).
    Do lFileOps.$createfile(lDir_1)
    Do lFileOps.$openfile(lDir_1,kFalse)
    Do FileOps.$writeentirefile(lDir_1,xtextbin) Returns lError
    Do lFileOps.$closefile()
    For binary files I believe you can do writing in one step using the WriteBinFile command
    Best of luck!

  • Ghiara Mimmo

    January 14, 2020 at 8:18 am

    I try it

  • Ghiara Mimmo

    January 15, 2020 at 3:43 pm

    I modified the code according to your instructions, now the code is like this
    lnomefile id Macintosh HD:users:administrator:desktop:nomefile.txt
    Do lFileOps.$openfile(lnomefile,kTrue) Returns lError
    Do lFileOps.$writecharacter(kUniTypeAnsiLatin1,lritorno) Returns lError
    Do lFileOps.$closefile()
    lerror returns me O (zero) so OM file written, instead I can’t find the file anywhere
    I tried to replace i: with \
    but nothing same error but files saved none
    If you have any other suggestions
    Mimmo Ghiara

  • Scott

    January 15, 2020 at 8:34 pm

    Remember returning 0 means the file did not write. It will return true if sorry i should have wrote that better in my code it’s not lError should be lOK to be more clear.
    First we wabt to make sure the lritorno variable is in fact a string since you are using writecharacter instead of $writeentirefile.
    If that is the case break it before
    Do lFileOps.$writecharacter(kUniTypeAnsiLatin1,lritorno) Returns lError
    See what this line returns:
    Do lFileOps.$openfile(lnomefile,kTrue) Returns lError
    If it returns 0 (this is false) the file does not exist and you will need to use the Do lFileOps.$createfile() first if the file doesn’t exist.
    Lastly make sure the variable lFileOps is an object reference mapped to the FileOps object.

  • Paul Mulroney

    January 20, 2020 at 8:07 am

    For Omnis Studio 8.0 and above, you need to use POSIX style pathnames, which means that:
    Macintosh HD:users:administrator:desktop:nomefile.txt
    /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/administrator/Desktop/nomefile.txt
    You can use the FileOps.$converthfspathtoposixpath() function to convert if you’d prefer.

  • Ghiara Mimmo

    January 30, 2020 at 8:17 am

    thanks for the help, I don’t seem to know how to program with Omnis Studio anymore.
    I followed my advice and wrote:
    Do FileOps.$Converthfspathtoposixpath (lname, lposxfile) Returns lError
    Do lFileOps.$Openfile (lfilename, kTrue) Returns lError
    Do lFileOps.$Writecharacter (kUniTypeAnsiLatin1, lritorno) Returns lError
    Do iFileOps.$Close ()
    Error result 0 but no file created
    So I wrote so
    xtextbin is binary
    the return is character
    Calculate xtextbin as the return
    Do FileOps.$Converthfspathtoposixpath (lname, lposxfile) Returns lError
    Do FileOps.$Writeentirefile (lposxfile, xtextbin) Returns lError
    Erorre = 998 (unknown)
    Created a file but empty
    I no longer know what to do with files I have generated many with Omnis na I have never found these difficulties
    If you have any other suggestions

  • Paul Mulroney

    January 30, 2020 at 8:42 am

    Hi Mimmo,
    If you need to create the file, then you need to swap $openfile() for $createfile()
    $openfile() will open an existing file, but it won’t create a new file. if you pass kTrue as the second parameter, it will open the file read-only and you will not be able to write to it.
    It’s probably a good idea to test the lError between each line of code as it executes, you can check to see if the command fails.
    So, your code should look something like this:

    Do FileOps.$Converthfspathtoposixpath(lName,lposxfile)
    If lposxfile=”
    OK message {Could not convert file path [lName]}
    Do lFileOps.$createfile(lposxfile) Returns lError
    If not(lError)
    OK message {Could not create [lposxfile]}
    Do lFileOps.$Writecharacter(kUniTypeAnsiLatin1,lritorno) Returns lError
    If not(lError)
    OK message {Could not write to the file [lName]}
    End If
    Do lFileOps.$closefile()
    End If
    End If

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