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  • Register and Call DLL

    Posted by Gianni on September 9, 2019 at 3:52 pm

    Hi All,
    on Omnis Studio 5.x with Mac OS X I used the instructions “Register DLL and Call DLL” but passing to Omnis 8.x I saw that these instructions is no longer supported. Is there an alternative?
    Thanks in advance!

    Gianni replied 4 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Scott

    September 11, 2019 at 4:15 pm

    Hey Gianni,
    It seems that it is still supported. Where are you seeing that it is not supported? The commands are still implemented in Omnis 10. I also still see this technote on the website.
    We are currently migrating to omnis 10 and use this command in many places so hopefully it still works correctly.

    • Gianni

      September 12, 2019 at 1:41 pm

      Dear Scott,
      I refer to Mac OS X.
      Until the Omnis Studio 5.x.x version I used to
      these instructions but passing to the version
      Omnis Studio 8.x.x are no longer supported.
      This is demonstrated by the fact that my old code
      (Omnis Studio 5) was
      Calculate icPathDylib as ‘/usr/local/lib/tsidclnt.dylib’
      Register DLL (icPathDylib, ‘tsidCheckService’, ‘I’, kFalse) Returns lnErr
      Call DLL (icPathDylib, ‘tsidCheckService’) Returns lnRet

      When I converted the library into Omnis Studio 8 it is
      Calculate icPathDylib as ‘/usr/local/lib/tsidclnt.dylib’
      X250825050 (icPathDylib, ‘tsidCheckService’, ‘I’, kFalse) Returns lnErr
      X250825051 (icPathDylib, ‘tsidCheckService’) Returns lnRet

      Please let me know…
      Thks a lot.

  • Scott

    September 12, 2019 at 3:48 pm

    That is strange maybe, it was left out of Omnis 8. Like I said we are going from Omnis to Omnis 10 and we have those commands all over the place and they all seem to work. It’s even in the help documentation in the app. What happens when you try to type in the commands? Do they come up?
    It’s still in the documentation online so it’s still supported.

  • Gianni

    September 12, 2019 at 5:20 pm

    If you look at the Omnis 5.x Help and look for the “Register DLL” command in the upper right part it says “All Platforms” if you look in the Omnis 8.x Help it says only “Windows and Linux “.
    In any case, if I try to type the command in the code, I will insert the letter R and the letter E, but the letter G cannot write it.
    Do you have a Macintosh ?
    Can you try on it ?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Scott

    September 17, 2019 at 11:38 pm

    Sorry for the delay, for some reason I wasn’t getting notified on this thread. Yes I can type on Mac in omnis 10.
    The plaform says windows because there are no DLLs on Mac, but you should be able to still type it. It would be odd if they took it out of Omnis 8 and put it back in Omnis 10.

  • Gianni

    September 18, 2019 at 5:51 pm

    Hi Scott, I confirm your suspicions.
    With Omnis Studio 8.1.7 the commands “Register e Call DLL”
    were gone while with Omnis Studio the commands
    are back again!!!
    Best rgds.
    I always refer to the Macintosh platform only.

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