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Home Forum Omnis General Forum Omnis command line reference

  • Vik Shah

    June 5, 2019 at 9:52 am

    Hi Luigi,
    If you are trying to pass in command line parameters into omnis then yes. Call the omnis.exe with a few parameters and in your code you can use sys(202) to get access to those parameters you passed in through the command line.
    Vik Shah

  • Vik Shah

    June 5, 2019 at 9:53 am

    you can pass command line parameters into omnis.exe and then access them via sys(202).

  • Vik Shah

    June 5, 2019 at 9:53 am

    you can pass commandline parameters to omnis.exe and collect them via sys(202)

  • gigi soave

    June 5, 2019 at 9:59 am

    Thank you Vik Shah, your information is interesting, but my question is about “standard” parameters for executable. Such as library to load, user and password to vcs and so on.

  • Andrei Augustin

    June 14, 2019 at 4:56 pm

    Hello Luigi,
    By default we allow passing the library to open with Omnis.
    For example, if in your CMD you go to the directory where omnis.exe is and type omnis.exe “C:\myLibrary.lbs”, Omnis will start and open the myLibrary.lbs library in the C:\ drive.
    This also means that you could set the parameter in the properties of the omnis.exe or shortcut!

  • gigi soave

    July 4, 2019 at 10:04 am

    Thank you Andrei,
    I try to be more specific. When I start Omnis I log into vcs, Omnis ask me for login and password: can I pass them at command line? These parameters are not bound to a library, but are relative to omnis executable.
    My question is about parameters like these.

  • Grzegorz (Greg) P

    July 16, 2019 at 3:34 pm

    I would imagine that you need more than user/pswd to login to your vcs repository, you need to specify where the repository is located (address) and so on. I use following to login in to VCS and do the build:
    “C:\Program Files\TigerLogic\OS6.1.3RT\omnis.exe” “C:\ActionVcsBuilderO$613\VcsBuilder.lbs” /options=C:\\ActionVcsBuilderO$613\\automation\\build_janushttp.ini
    I have the above command in BAT file that allows me to execute the above and many more other commands.
    The above command has 3 parts:
    Part 1: the path to the omnis executable that needs to be launched
    Part 2: path to the library responsible for the VCS login and the build process
    Part 3: options prefixed with “/” that can supply specific information to the “vcsbuilder.lbs”, in this case the “ini” file storing information about the VCS and the library to build
    The “ini” file is following typical name value pair convention. The “vcsbuilder.lbs” upon launch finds the “ini” file, parses it, then connects to VCS and does the build of the specified library project.
    Btw, I am not aware of any “standard” parameters that you can use with omnis.exe to achieve the above. The library you launch can do anything you need as it is in developer domain.

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