C++ Design Component Reference

The following are declared as part of the external components interface and are detailed in the Omnis Studio External Components documentation.

External Component Structures


The ECOmethodEvent structure defines information about a single component event or method. The WCCcontrol structure takes an array of this structure in its mEvent member to define a control’s events and an array of this structure in its mMethods member to define a control’s methods.

struct ECOmethodEvent
  qlong mId;
  qlong mNameResID;
  qlong mReturnDataType;
  qlong mParameterCount;
  ECOparam* mParameters;
  qlong mFlags; qlong mExFlags;


The ECOparam structure defines information about a single event parameter.

struct ECOparam
  qlong mNameResID;
  qlong mDataType;
  qlong mFlags;
  qlong mExFlags;


The ECOproperty structure defines information about a single component property. The WCCcontrol structure takes an array of this structure in its mProperties member to define the properties of a control.

struct ECOproperty
  qlong mPropID;
  qlong mNameResID;
  qlong mDataType;
  qlong mFlags;
  qlong mExFlags;
  qlong mEnumStart;
  qlong mEnumEnd;

The size of this array must be a multiple of seven.


Adding a $dataname property

If you wish to include a $dataname property, this is handled as a special case.

It requires an ECOproperty with all members set to 0, except mFlags, which should be set to EXTD_FLAG_PRIMEDATA.

You will also need to set mControlHasDataName to qtrue in the constructor of your control's JSChtmlOptions struct (in your control's header file).


JavaScript Component Structures


The JSChtmlOptions structure specifies the inner HTML generation options for a JavaScript client control. A component object passes an instance of this structure to its superclass via the mHtmlOptions member of the WCCcontrol structure.

struct JSChtmlOptions
      mInnerStylePositionIsRelative = qfalse;
      mInnerStyleHasFont = qtrue;
      mInnerStyleHasTextColor = qtrue;
      mInnerStyleHasBackgroundColor = qtrue;
      mInnerStylePadding = 0;
      mInnerStyleHasScrollbars = qfalse;
      mInnerStyleHasAlign = qtrue;
      mInnerStyleHasNoWrap = qtrue;
      mControlHasEvents = qtrue;
      mControlHasDataName = qtrue;
      mAdjustWidthHeightForBorder = qfalse;
  qbool mInnerStylePositionIsRelative;
  qbool mInnerStyleHasFont;
  qbool mInnerStyleHasTextColor;
  qbool mInnerStyleHasBackgroundColor;
  qbyte mInnerStylePadding;
  qbool mInnerStyleHasScrollbars;
  qbool mInnerStyleHasAlign;
  qbool mInnerStyleHasNoWrap;
  qbool mControlHasEvents;
  qbool mControlHasDataName;
  qbool mAdjustWidthHeightForBorder;
  str255 mInnerStyleExtra;



The WCCcontrol structure defines information about a JavaScript component. An instance of this structure is stored in the component’s base class when a component is created. It returns information requested by messages sent from Omnis and it is also passed to a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function for use by utility methods that generate HTML based on the options which this structure defines.

struct WCCcontrol
  qlong mResourceBase; // NOT USED
  qlong mLibResName; // Resource number of library
  qlong mObjectID; // External component object id
  qlong mIconID; // ICON id for control
  qlong mEventCount; // Count of events
  ECOmethodEvent *mEvents; // Control events
  qlong mPropertyCount; // Count of properties
  ECOproperty *mProperties; // Control properties
  qlong mFirstConstant; // First constant resource; zero if no constants
  qlong mLastConstant; // Last constant resource; zero if no constants
  qlong mCompFlags; // EXTIPJS_FLAG_xxx or EXTJS_FLAG_xxx flags sent in response to ECM_IPHONE_OR_JAVASCRIPT_COMPFLAGS
  qlong mWccFlags; // WCC_FLAG_... flags
  qlong mCompStoreGroupRes; // Resource number of component store group
  qlong mMethodCount; // Count of methods
  ECOmethodEvent *mMethods; // Control methods
  FMTclassMakeFunc mMakeFmtClass; // Function to make class notation object
  qlong mCustomTabName; // Resource number of custom tab
  qdim mFixedLandscapeWidth; // Fixed landscape width for control (zero if any width allowed)
  qdim mFixedLandscapeHeight;// Fixed landscape height for control (zero if any height allowed)
  qdim mFixedPortraitWidth; // Fixed portrait width for control (zero if any width allowed)
  qdim mFixedPortraitHeight; // Fixed portrait height for control (zero if any height allowed)
  JSChtmlOptions *mHtmlOptions; // JavaScript client HTML options
  JSC_GETINNERHTML mGetInnerHtml; // JavaScript client function to get inner HTML
  JSC_APPENDCONTROLSTYLES mAppendControlStyles; // JavaScript client function to append control-specific styles
  const char * mJscCtrlName; // JavaScript client control name
  attnumber mControlNameAnum; // Attribute for control name when mJscCtrlName is to be overridden



The EXTIPJS_FLAG_xxx defines are used in the mCompFlags member of the WCCcontrol structure.


Indicates that the control has the $backcolor and $backalpha properties to change the background color.


Indicates that the control generates before and after events.


Indicates that the control has the $effect property to change its border style.


Indicates that the control does not use the automated erase background processing.


Indicates that the control does not have the $enabled property.


Indicates that the control does not have the $backcolor and $backalpha properties and needs a transparent background. EXTIP_FLAG_BACKCOLOR_AND_BACKALPHA must not be set.




The EXTJS_FLAG_xxx defines are used in the mCompFlags member of the WCCcontrol structure.


Indicates that the control can have its $effect property set to kJSborderDefault.


Indicates that the control has the $jsdateformat, $jsdateformatcustom and $jsnumberformat properties.


Indicates that the control has remote menus which need to be added to the context menu list sent to the client.


Indicates the control will be sent messages to change its enabled state.




The WCC_FLAG_xxx defines are used in the mWccFlags member of the WCCcontrol structure.


Indicates that the control accepts the focus.


Indicates that the scroll view takes the focus when an OMBorderedView container is supplied.




The following are the most commonly used Omnis external component messages which are passed to a JavaScript component. For further details and a full list of messages please refer to the Omnis Studio External Components documentation.


The ECM_GETPROPERTY message is sent to the component when Omnis requires the data for a property.

The component should add a return parameter to the associated EXTCompInfo structure. This parameter will contain the property data.

Returns : True if successful, false otherwise.



The ECM_PROPERTYCANASSIGN message is sent to a component when Omnis needs to know if a property can be written to or is read only.

Returns: True if the property can be written to, false otherwise.



The ECM_SETPROPERTY message is sent to a component when Omnis requires a property to change.

The parameter passed in the associated EXTCompInfo structure contains the new data for the property.

Returns : True if successful, false otherwise.



Function Pointer Types


typedef qbool (*JSC_GETINNERHTML)(HWND pHwnd, WCCcontrol *pControl, webClientComponent *pObject, EXTfldval &pInnerHtml, qdim pWidth, qdim pHeight)

The JSC_GETINNERHTML function pointer type defines the function used to generate the inner HTML for a JavaScript control. An implementation of a function of this type will return an HTML string representation of the control in the pInnerHtml parameter. This string is constructed based on the values of all other parameters passed into the function. A function of this type is passed as the mGetInnerHtml member of a component's WCCcontrol structure. The function will be called when Omnis sends a message requesting the HTML for a JavaScript control.


Returns: true if successful, false otherwise.


A typical use of this method is shown in the implementation of jsGenericComponent::jsGetInnerHTML in the jsgeneric.cpp source example.


webClientComponent Reference

The webClientComponent class is the top level base component support class and provides the default message handling, functionality and property support. It is inherited through the derived javaScriptComponent class which is itself directly inherited by the bottom level derived class implementation of a JavaScript component object, e.g. jsGenericComponent. This component specific sub-class is required to override and implement a set of virtual class methods declared in the webClientComponent base which are then called to provide the standard JavaScript component behavior.

Public Members

These are class members that can be accessed directly to alter a component's behavior.


qbool mNoDesignName;

Virtual Methods

An instance of a JavaScript component is required to implement some of the following virtual methods to render a particular type of component and to provide the correct functionality.


virtual qlong attributeSupport(LPARAM pMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, EXTCompInfo* eci)

Implemented by a subclass to provide responses to property management requests from the base class.





virtual void inval()

Invalidate the whole of a component's window client area. This will result in a request to repaint the window and a call to paintDesign. Typically a subclass does not need to override this method. It is mainly used when a property changes the content of the window and it is sufficient to call the super class implementation.



virtual void paintDesign(HDC pHdc);

Provides drawing commands to render a component in a design window.



javaScriptComponent Reference

The javaScriptComponent class is the support class which must be the base class for all JavaScript component object classes. It provides utility methods for generating the inner HTML which are used to initially setup a JavaScript control in the client browser. It also inherits the webClientComponent base class which provides the default message handling, functionality and property support.

Class Methods

The following are static class methods that are generally used to build the HTML for a JavaScript control.


javaScriptComponent::escapeHTMLsyntaxChars(EXTfldval &pFval, EXTfldval &pEscapedFval)

Converts the string in the pFval data field to a version with escaped HTML markup characters (<, >, &, etc.) and places the result in pEscapedFval. This will allow the escaped string to be interpreted as a character literal. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div$></div>"));
EXTfldval textAttr;
textAttr(str15(QTEXT(" data-text=\"")));
EXTfldval textValue;
escapeHTMLsyntaxChars(object->mText, textValue);
jsInsert(textAttr, pInner, qfalse);



void javaScriptComponent::jsAddIconUrl(HWND pHwnd, qlong pIconID, EXTfldval &pFval, qbool pInsert = qtrue)

Inserts the URL of an icon image into the first '$' placeholder marker in pFval. The icon is identified by the pIconID parameter. The value of the path will be the location of the image relative to the directory containing the HTML page. If there are multiple image sizes for a single image id, each additional image file is appended to the path and separated by a semicolon character. The path is typically added to the inner HTML generated by a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function to set the value of the HTML data-icon attribute for a JavaScript control. This attribute is used to display the icon image on the JavaScript control.



// HWND pHwnd;
// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div data-icon=\"$\"></div>"));
jsAddIconUrl(pHwnd, object->mIconId, pInner); // e.g. <div data-icon="icons/datafile/omnispic/001655n16.png"></div>


void javaScriptComponent::jsGetFontName(HWND pHwnd, EXTfldval &pFontNameFval, qlong pFont = -1, qlong pFontsize = -1)

Gets the Omnis font name for a component associated with the pHwnd child window and uses it to set the value of the pFontNameFval data field. This value by default is based on the component's $font and $fontsize properties. When not -1 the pFont and pFontsize parameters are used to specify a particular Omnis font index and/or size that should be used. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// %f - font family marker to be replaced with CSS property values
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"%f\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
jsGetFontName(pHwnd, fval); // font name based on $font and $fontsize
jsStyleAppendFontName(fval, fvalResult);
pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue); //<div style="font-family:'Courier New', Monospace;"></div>




void jsGetIconPath(HWND pHwnd, qlong pIconID, str255& pStr)

Sets the path to an icon image in the pStr string parameter. The icon is identified by the pIconID parameter. The value of the path will be the location of the image relative to the directory containing the HTML page and will be contained in double quotes. If there are multiple image sizes for a single image id, each additional image file is appended to the path and separated by a semicolon character. The path is typically added to the inner HTML generated by a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function to set the value of the HTML data-icon attribute for a JavaScript control. This attribute is used to display the icon image on the control.



// HWND pHwnd;
// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 strIcon;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div data-icon=$></div>"));
jsGetIconPath(pHwnd, object->mIconId, strIcon);
jsInsert(strIcon, pInner, qfalse); // e.g. <div data-icon="icons/datafile/omnispic/001655n16.png"></div>


void javaScriptComponent::jsInsert(EXTfldval& pInsertStr, EXTfldval& pDst, qbool pEscapeHTMLsyntaxChars = qtrue)

Inserts the string in pInsertStr into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDst. The string in pInsertStr is typically an HTML attribute value which substitutes for a value marker in an HTML template stored in pDst. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div data-icon=\"$\"></div>"));
jsInsert(object->mFldVal, pInner); // e.g. <div data-icon="icons/datafile/omnispic/001655n16.png"></div>


javaScriptComponent::jsInsertBool(char *pAttName, qbool pValue, EXTfldval& pDst)

If pValue is true this creates a string, in the format of an attribute/value pair, from the name in pAttName and the value '1'. This string is inserted into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDst. A leading space is prepended to the string so it takes the form <space><attname>=1. If pValue is qfalse an empty string is inserted. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div$></div>"));
jsInsertNum("data-vert", object->mVertical, pInner); // e.g. <div data-vert=1></div>


void javaScriptComponent::jsInsertBorder(HWND pHwnd, EXTfldval &pDest)

Uses the Omnis border properties for a component associated with the pHwnd child window to create the HTML data attributes which will be inserted into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDest. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. The HTML data attributes are then used by the JavaScript control, e.g. data-effect, data-linestyle, data-bordercolor, data-borderradius, to calculate the correct border styling and positioning for the control.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// %e - border style marker to be replaced with data attributes
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div %e></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
jsInsertBorder(pHwnd, fvalResult);
pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue); // e.g. "<div data-effect="10" data-linestyle="1" data-bordercolor="0" data-borderradius="20"></div>



javaScriptComponent::jsInsertColor(const char *pAttName, qcol pColor, EXTfldval &pDest)

Replaces a ‘$’ placeholder in pDest with an attribute named as specified in pAttName, and with a color value (RGB integer or constant) as specified by pColor.



// EXTfldval &pInner;
// $ - marker to be replaced with custom color attribute
str255 innerTemplate = str255("<div $></div>");
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumBackColor, fval); // get the value of $backcolor
qcol color = fval.getLong();
jsInsertColor("data-mycolor", color, pInner);


javaScriptComponent::jsInsertColorPair(HWND pHwnd, EXTfldval &pDest, qcol pColorValue, qlong pAlpha)


Color Pairs are no longer needed (all browsers now support alpha), and they do not support Themed Colors. Use jsInsertColor() instead, and pass the alpha as a separate attribute.

Uses the Omnis qcol color in pColorValue and the alpha value in pAlpha to create the equivalent CSS color property values for the component associated with the child window in pHwnd. If pAlpha is not -1 a pair of color values will be created separated by a semicolon. The first will be the CSS hex color and the second will be the CSS RGBA color. These will be inserted into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDest. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. The control can the use these color alternatives based on whether it supports an RGBA value.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// $ - marker to be replaced with CSS color property value
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div data-control-color=\"$\"></div>"));
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumBackColor, fval); // get the value of $backcolor
qcol color = fval.getLong();
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumBackgroundAlpha, fval); // get the value of $backalpha
qlong alphaValue = fval.getLong();
jsInsertColorPair(pHwnd, pInner, color, alphaValue); // e.g. "<div data-control-color="#0000FF;rgba(0,0,255,0.5020)"></div>"


javaScriptComponent::jsInsertIcon(HWND pHwnd, char *pAttName, qlong pIconId, EXTfldval& pDst)

Creates a string, in the format of an attribute/value pair, where the attribute name is the value in pAttName and the attribute value is a URL locating the icon with the id passed in pIconId. This string is inserted into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDst. The value of the URL will be the location of the image relative to the directory containing the HTML page. If there are multiple image sizes for a single image id then each additional image file is appended to the URL and separated by a semicolon character. A leading space is prepended to the string so it takes the form <space><attname>="<icon url>". If the pIconId value does not have a valid ID an empty string is inserted into pDst. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// HWND pHwnd;
// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div$></div>"));
jsInsertIcon(pHwnd, "data-icon", object->mIconId, pInner); // e.g. <div data-icon="icons/datafile/omnispic/001655n16.png"></div>


void javaScriptComponent::jsInsertId(HWND pHwnd, EXTfldval &pDest, qbool pFrame, strxxx *pSuffix = 0)

Inserts the HTML id attribute's name/value pair into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDest. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. Typically pFrame is qfalse and pSuffix is unused. The value of id placed in the HTML will be the component group's class name, i.e. the remote form name, followed by the unique numeric $ident value of the component within the group and the suffix for the level of the element, i.e. id="<classname>_<ident>_client/frame".


// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div $></div>"));
jsInsertId(pHwnd, pInner, qfalse); // e.g. <div id="testGeneric_1001_client"></div>

A typical use of this method is shown in the implementation of jsGenericComponent::jsGetInnerHTML in the jsgeneric.cpp source example.



javaScriptComponent::jsInsertIfNotEmpty(const char *pAttName, EXTfldval &pInsertStr, EXTfldval &pDst)

When the value is not empty this method inserts the HTML attribute name/value pair, formed from the attribute name in pAttName and the attribute value in pInsertStr, into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDst. The substitution will place a space before the attribute name. When the value of pInsertStr is empty then the placeholder is replaced with nothing. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// HWND pHwnd;
// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div$></div>"));
jsInsertIfNotEmpty("data-text", object->mText, pInner); // results in <div data-text="some text"></div>


javaScriptComponent::jsInsertNum(char *pAttName, qlong pValue, EXTfldval& pDst)

Creates a string, in the format of an attribute name/value pair, from the name in pAttName and the numeric value in pValue and inserts it into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDst. A leading space is prepended to the string so it takes the form <space><attname>="<value>". If pValue is zero an empty string is inserted. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// webClientComponent *object;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div$></div>"));
jsInsertNum("data-max", object->mMax, pInner); // e.g. <div data-max="100"></div>


void javaScriptComponent::jsInsertStyle(HWND pHwnd, WCCcontrol *pControl, EXTfldval &pDest, qdim pWidth, qdim pHeight, javaScriptComponent *pObject)

Inserts the inline style attribute name/value pair into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDest. This can be called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a JavaScript control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. The style attribute value will contain the CSS property values set from the component's standard Omnis property values to set characteristics in the JavaScript control such as padding, position, font, alignment, text color, scrollbars, focus and background color. These are included based on the options that have been used in the pControl parameter.


A typical use of this method is shown in the implementation of jsGenericComponent::jsGetInnerHTML in the jsgeneric.cpp source example.

// HWND pHwnd;
// WCCcontrol* pControl;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// qdim pWidth, pHeight;
// webClientComponent* object;
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div $></div>"));
jsInsertStyle(pHwnd, pControl, pInner, pWidth, pHeight, object); // e.g. <div style="position:absolute; padding:10px;top:0px; left:0px; height:81px; width:81px; font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;font-size:medium;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;text-align:left;color:#000000;overflow-y:hidden;overflow-x:hidden;white-space:nowrap;"></div>


javaScriptComponent::jsInsertWithAttName(EXTfldval& pInsertStr, EXTfldval& pDst, strxxx &pAttName)

Inserts the HTML attribute value string in pInsertStr, prepended with the HTML attribute name in pAttName, into the first '$' placeholder marker in pDst. The substitution places an HTML attribute name/value pair into the HTML template stored in pDst. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



omnis // // HWND pHwnd; // webClientComponent *object; // EXTfldval &pInner; // str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div $></div>")); pInner.setChar(innerTemplate); str255 dataText(QTEXT("data-text")); jsInsertWithAttName(object->mText, pInner, dataText); // results in <div data-text="some text"></div>  


javaScriptComponent::jsStyleAppendColor(HWND pHwnd, attnumber pColorAnum, EXTfldval& pDst, attnumber pAlphaComponent=0)

Uses the Omnis color and alpha property values of the component associated with the pHwnd child window to create the equivalent CSS color property value. The CSS property value will be appended onto the data field in pDest. The attribute numbers passed in pColorAnum and pAlphaComponent identify the color and alpha properties of the component which are to be used. The pColorAnum value will generate a CSS hex color or if non-zero the pAlphaComponent will generate a CSS RGBA color value formed from both parameters.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// qbool alpha;
// $ - marker to be replaced with CSS color property value
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"$\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
fvalResult.setEmpty(fftCharacter, dpDefault);
  jsStyleAppendColor(pHwnd, anumBackColor, fvalResult); // append the hex color value using $backcolor
  pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue); // e.g. "<div style="color:#0000FF"></div>"
  jsStyleAppendColor(pHwnd, anumBackColor, fvalResult, anumBackgroundAlpha); // append the RGBA color value using $backcolor and $backalpha
  pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue); // e.g. "<div style="color:rgba(0,0,255,0.5020)"></div>"


javaScriptComponent::jsStyleAppendColorFromValue(HWND pHwnd, qcol pColorValue, EXTfldval &pDest, qlong pAlpha=-1)

Uses the Omnis qcol color in pColorValue and the alpha value in pAlpha to create the equivalent CSS color property value for the component associated with the child window in pHwnd. The CSS property value will be appended onto the data field in pDest. The qcol value of pColorValue will generate a CSS hex color or if not -1 the pAlpha value will be used to generate a CSS RGBA color value formed from both parameters.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// qbool alpha;
// $ - marker to be replaced with CSS color property value
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"$\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
fvalResult.setEmpty(fftCharacter, dpDefault);
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumBackColor, fval); // get the value of $backcolor
qcol color = fval.getLong();
  jsStyleAppendColor(pHwnd, color, fvalResult); // append the hex color value
  pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue); // e.g. "<div style="color:#0000FF"></div>"
  ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumBackgroundAlpha, fval); // get the value of $backalpha
  qlong alphaValue = fval.getLong();
  jsStyleAppendColor(pHwnd, color, fvalResult, alphaValue); // append the RGBA color value
  pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue); // e.g. "<div style="color:rgba(0,0,255,0.5020)"></div>"


void jsStyleAppendFontAlign(qlong pAlignValue, EXTfldval &pDst)

Uses the Omnis qjst text justification constant in pAlignValue to create an equivalent CSS text-align property and appends that CSS property string to the value in pDst. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// %j - font align marker to be replaced with CSS property value
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"%j\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumAlign, fval); // get the value of $align
fvalResult.setEmpty(fftCharacter, dpDefault);
jsStyleAppendFontAlign(fval.getLong(), fvalResult);
pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue);


void javaScriptComponent::jsStyleAppendFontName(EXTfldval& pInsertStr, EXTfldval& pDst)

Uses the Omnis font name in pInsertStr to create an equivalent CSS font-family property and appends that CSS property string to the value in pDst. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. It can be used to provide the correct CSS font styling for the text in an HTML control based on a components $font and $fontsize properties.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// %f - font family marker to be replaced with CSS font property values
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"%f\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
jsGetFontName(pHwnd, fval); // font name based on $font and $fontsize
jsStyleAppendFontName(fval, fvalResult);
pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue);


void javaScriptComponent::jsStyleAppendFontSize(qlong pSize, EXTfldval& pDst)

Maps the pSize value which will be an Omnis font size value to the equivalent CSS font-size property and appends that string to the value in pDst. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. It can be used to provide the correct CSS font size for the text in an HTML control based on a components $fontsize property.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// %z - font size marker to be replaced with CSS font-size property value
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"%z\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumFontsize, fval); // get the $fontsize value
fvalResult.setEmpty(fftCharacter, dpDefault);
jsStyleAppendFontSize(fval.getLong(), fvalResult);
pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue);


void jsStyleAppendFontStyle(qlong pStyle, EXTfldval& pDst)

Maps the pStyle value which will be an Omnis qsty constant to the equivalent CSS font properties and appends that CSS string to the value in pDst. This is called as part of the HTML generation of the inner HTML for a control in a component's JSC_GETINNERHTML function. It can be used to provide the correct CSS font styling for the text in an HTML control based on a component's $fontstyle property.



// HWND pHwnd;
// EXTfldval &pInner;
// %s - font style marker to be replaced with CSS property values
str255 innerTemplate = str255(QTEXT("<div style=\"%s\"></div>"));
EXTfldval fval;
EXTfldval fvalResult;
ECOgetProperty(pHwnd, anumFontstyle, fval); // get the $fontstyle value
fvalResult.setEmpty(fftCharacter, dpDefault);
jsStyleAppendFontStyle(fval.getLong(), fvalResult);
pInner.replaceStr(fval, fvalResult, qtrue);



void javaScriptComponent::setRedrawOnSize()

This is called to specify that all of the client area of a component child window is invalidated when the width or height of its window changes. This allows the correct redrawing of the component contents in a design window. By default only the uncovered areas are invalidated. If the contents of the component need to be adjusted to fit the width and height, this method should be called in the component subclass constructor.

Virtual Methods

The following are methods that can be overridden by a component subclass.


qbool getCtrlName(EXTfldval& pFval)

This method is overridden by a component subclass when it supports an Omnis property to provide the name of an existing JavaScript control. The name is used to identify an existing control which will have its inner HTML generated from this component to override the HTML that the control would normally have used. The control name should be set in the pFval parameter.

A component that uses this mechanism will also specify the Omnis property attribute number in the mControlNameAnum member of the WCCcontrol structure.

The default base class implementation does nothing and returns qfalse.




The JSHTML component uses this method to get the JavaScript control class that was set in its $ctrlname property.