Set repeat factor

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Report parameters NO NO NO All


Set repeat factor {number}


This command specifies the number of copies of the record section to be printed. It overrides the repeat factor specified in the report properties for the current report. Set repeat factor is particularly useful when printing multiple labels. The setting remains in force until the next Set report name. If the repeat factor is left blank (or evaluates to zero), the printing of the record sections of a report is suppressed completely; all heading sections, totals and subtotals are still calculated correctly.


# Print 2 of each label
Set report name rLabels
Set labels across page {3}
Set repeat factor {2}
Set label width {3.4}
Print report

# Alternatively, you can use notation to set the repeat factor
Do $clib.$reports.rLabels.$repeatfactor.$assign(2)