Set left margin

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Report parameters NO NO NO All


Set left margin ([Measurement in cms]) {measurement-in-inches/cms}


Measurement in cms If specified, the measurement parameter is a value in centimeters rather than inches


This command specifies the left margin for the current report class. It overrides the left margin setting in the report properties until such time as the current report is reset.


# Prompt user and set appropiate margins
Set report name rMyReport
Yes/No message {Print on A4 paper?}
If flag true
  Set bottom margin (Measurement in cms{2.34}
  Set top margin (Measurement in cms{1.2}
  Set left margin (Measurement in cms{1.2}
  Set right margin (Measurement in cms{1.2}
  # default measurement is inches
  Set bottom margin {0.5}
  Set top margin {0.5}
  Set left margin {0.5}
  Set right margin {0.5}
End If
Print report

# Alternatively, you can use notation to set the left margin
Do $clib.$reports.rMyReport.$leftmargin.$assign(0.5)