Set closed files

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Files YES YES NO All


Set closed files {list-of-files (F1,F2,..,Fn)}


This command sets the file mode of the specified file(s), other than a main file, to closed. Closing a file prevents any data from being read or changed in that file.

If you attempt to close the main file an error occurs. If you use Set closed files in a reversible block, the file mode is reset when the method terminates. Set closed files does not cancel the Prepare for update mode. In multi-user libraries, closing a file prevents Omnis from locking it.

Closing a parent file when editing a child has the effect of protecting the connections from child to parent from change and saves time when locating child records because the parent record is not loaded.

In the method editor, a list of files is displayed. You can Ctrl/Cmnd-click on the file names to select multiple names.


# Prevent data from being read or changed in the files
# fAccounts and fInvoices
Set closed files {fAccounts,fInvoices}