Select printer

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Reports and Printing YES NO NO All


Select printer ([Discard previous settings]) {printer-name}


Discard previous settings If specified, the command reloads the Omnis page setup with the default system settings for the selected printer (Windows platform only)


This command allows the user to specify a printer to receive reports. You can choose the required printer from a list of all installed printers. After this command has executed, the flag is set if the printer was selected successfully.

The Discard previous settings option causes Omnis to reload the Omnis page setup with the default system settings for the specified printer.

You can use the function sys(101) to return the name of the current printer.


# Select the printer prior to printing
Select printer {MyPrinter}
If flag true
  Set report name rMyReport
  If flag true
    Print report
  End If
End If