For each line in list

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Constructs NO NO NO All


For each line in list ([Selected lines only][,Descending]) from start to stop step step


Selected lines only If specified,the for loop only operates on the selected lines in the list
Descending If specified,the for loop steps through the list from the largest line number to the smallest line number


This command marks the beginning of a loop that processes the lines of the current list. You must specify the current list before executing the For loop. The For loop is a convenient way to write WhileEnd While loops to step through each line of a list. With the Selected lines only option, the loop will skip over any lines encountered that are not selected.

The Start value specifies the line in the list at which method execution of the For loop starts. The loop continues until the processed line exceeds or is equal to the Stop value. If the Stepvalue is not specified, the default value of 1 is used. The values involved must all be integers. The Descending option tells Omnis to step through the list from a high line number to a low line number. The Start and Stop values are swapped if the Stop value is less than the Start value.

You can use Jump to start of loop within the loop to continue the next iteration of the loop. Similarly, Break to end of loop will exit the loop prematurely.

For each line in list operates on the current list. The matching End For will also operate on the current list. Unpredictable behavior will result if the current list is changed and not restored within the For/ End For construct.


Prepare for print 
Set current list iMyList
For each line in list from 1 to iMyList.$linecount step 1
  Load from list
  Print record
End For
End print
# this is equivalent to the method below
Prepare for print
Set current list iMyList
Calculate iMyList.$line as 1
While iMyList.$line<=iMyList.$linecount
  Load from list
  Print record
  Calculate iMyList.$line as iMyList.$line+1
End While
End print