Deselect list line(s)

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
List lines YES NO NO All


Deselect list line(s) ([All lines]) {line-number (calculation)}


All lines If specified, the command affects all the lines in the list

Deprecated Command

This command has been deprecated and is no longer visible in the Code Assistant in the Code Editor (it will not appear when you type the first few characters), although it is still present in Omnis Studio and will continue to function if used in legacy code. You can show this command by disabling the appropriate Command Filter in the Modify menu in the Code Editor.


This command deselects the specified list line. The specified line of the current list is deselected and is shown without highlight on a window list field when redrawn. You can specify the line number as a calculation. The All lines option deselects all lines of the current list. When a list is saved in the data file, the line selection state is stored.


# Build a list and deselect line 5
Set current list lMyList
Define list {lCol1}
For lCount from 1 to 10 step 1
  Add line to list {(lCount)}
End For
Select list line(s) (All lines)
Deselect list line(s) {(lMyList.$linecount/2)}
# Alternatively, you can deselect a line by assigning its $selected property.
Do lMyList.5.$selected.$assign(kFalse## select line 5