Clear selected files

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Files NO YES NO All


Clear selected files {list-of-files (F1,F2,..,Fn)}


This command clears the current record buffer of records from the specified files. The command is particularly useful in a multi-user system where it may be necessary to remove only certain files so that they are not locked.

In the method editor, a list of files is displayed. You can Ctrl/Cmnd-click on the file names to select multiple names. If no file name or file list is specified, the command does nothing.

This command is reversible for read-only and read-write files; the command reverses by re-reading each record into the current record buffer. Note that using this command in a reversible block with a memory-only file will clear the current record buffer for that file when the command reverses.


# Clear the current record buffer of records from fAccounts
# and fInvoices and redraw the current window instance
Clear selected files {fAccounts,fInvoices}
Do $cinst.$redraw()