Build installed menu list

Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Menus YES YES NO All


Build installed menu list ([Clear list])


Clear list If specified, the command empties the current list and defines it to have a single hash variable column before executing


This command builds a list containing the name of all menu instances on the main Omnis menu bar, starting from the left. All the standard Omnis menus such as File and Edit are ignored. The list is built in the current list for which you must define the following columns:

Column 1 (Character) Column 2 (Character)
Menu instance name Description for menu class (if one has been entered)

When you use the Clear list option you get column 1 only defined as #S5 with a 15 character column width. With this option, the command becomes reversible.

Menu instances from libraries other than the current library are prefixed with their library names. The flag is cleared if the command fails due to a shortage of memory.


# Build a list of all menu instances installed on the
# main Omnis menu bar
Set current list lMenuList
Define list {lMenuName,lMenuDesc}
Build installed menu list

# Alternatively, you can use $makelist
Do $imenus.$makelist($ref.$nameReturns lMenuList
Do lMenuList.$redefine(lMenuName)